1. The Office of Institutional Advancement
  2. 2024 LEC Alumni Weekend

LEC Alumni Weekend| Event

Attend LEC home athletic games while you're around!

Purchase tickets to Athletic Events here: http://lakeeriestorm.com/sports/2023/1/11/tickets.aspx
Our Dining Hall will be open and available for alumni:

- 9月26日(星期四)及9月27日(星期五)上午7时至晚上7时

- 9月28日(星期六)及9月29日(星期日)上午11:00至晚上7:00

Bookstore hours:

-Friday, September 27: 8:00am-6:00pm

-Saturday, September 28: 8:00am-3:00pm

Lodging information here: http://5xh.pubfish.net/alumni/area-lodging/

More details on the weekend below

Thursday, September 26, 2024 

Sustainability talk on Prairie Inspiration with John Blakeman in the Dickinson Auditorium from 6:00-9:00pm. COST: Free

Information about the speaker: 




Friday, September 27, 2024

70s Class Breakfast: 我们邀请我们所有的1970校友加入我们在路易丝·普莱斯社交会客室的早餐从上午9:00 -10:30. The morning will be filled with bloody marys, mimosas, good memories, and of course- topped off with Mrs. Weaver’s bacon! We encourage you to bring photos, yearbooks, 以及你在LEC的日子里的其他纪念品,作为回忆姐妹班岁月的一种方式. COST: $15

Campus Tour: 让我们的学生招生导游带你参观校园建筑, grounds, 并询问有关您在LEC工作以来的最新改进和改进的问题. The tour will start in the front lobby of College Hall at 10:30am. COST: Free

Alumni Printmaking Workshop: Join Professor Grace Summanen in Royce Hall 203 from 10:30am-12pm. 在这个工作坊中,参与者将通过使用实验和传统的版画技术创作单幅作品来探索自然和环境的想法. We will get inspiration from the Water Exhibition in B.K. 史密斯画廊和版画的简要介绍,专注于实验材料, emphasizing the medium is integral to the message. 参与者将有机会利用树叶、花朵等自然材料或气泡膜或纸板等合成材料,从现有的印版或实验过程中制作印刷品. 现有的板块将与环境(动物、景观、植物)相连。. 欢迎参加者自备资料,探索各种可能性. We will use water based block printing ink. COST: Free

LEC All Alumni Picnic: 在帐篷下的校园绿地上享受一个愉快的下午,并享用野餐午餐, the East Coast Custard ice cream truck, and LEC Jeopardy MCed by our very own Deb Remington ‘74. 野餐时间为11:30am-2:00pm, Jeopardy为1:00 pm -2:00pm. COST: $15

Rediscovering Dawn Powell: Join us for a presentation with Dr. Jennifer Swartz-Levine from 2:00-3:00pm. COST: Free

Update from schools and mixer: 了解自然科学与数学学院的最新动态, the School of Arts, Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences (with a breakout update from Education), the School of Business, 下午3:30到马研究学院,下午4:00到5:00有校友联谊会. 

Paint and Sip with President Schuller: 发现你的艺术能力一步一步的绘画机会与总统舒勒. All materials, snacks, 课程时间为下午3:45-5:00,在帐篷下(如天气恶劣,则在学习共用场地内)。. COST: $25

All Alumni Clambake: Nothing says fall in Ohio like a clambake! 下午5:00-7:30,在校园绿地上尽情享受美味的烧烤菜单,欣赏音乐风格的“Just Jazz”. Yard games and music will be included. COST: $40

Alumni After Hours: 从晚上9点到11点,在多功能健身房的校友聚会上,和我们一起跳舞,回顾过去的几十年. 音乐会在不同的时代/年代之间交替,让你跟着唱歌跳舞. Snacks and drinks will be provided. COST: $10

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Yoga with Jenn Miller: Start your morning off with an introductory yoga class for all. 教练Jenn Miller不仅是瑜伽和普拉提的认证,而且是我们的学习公地和图书馆服务主任, Director of the Center for Professional Development, 以及专业教师途径项目学生成功促进者. 课程将于上午8点至9点在学习公共场所的二楼进行. Chairs will be available to participate seated if needed. COST: Free

Pastries with President Schuller: Join President Jennifer N. 上午9点至10点在学习共享区享用糕点和交谈. President Schuller will share updates about the College, the latest happenings on campus, and have the opportunity to visit with you! COST: $10

LEC brunch on the green: 从上午11点到下午1点,喝一杯血腥玛丽或含羞草,和我们一起在校园绿地吃早午餐. COST: $15

Campus tour: 让我们的学生招生导游带你参观校园建筑, grounds, 并询问有关您在LEC工作以来的最新改进和改进的问题. 参观将于下午12:30在学院大厅前大厅开始. COST: Free

Athletics Hall of Fame Induction Luncheon: LEC体育部门很高兴在Victor Manor House引进我们的2024年体育名人堂入选者. 上午11:30开门,中午12:00供应午餐,中午12:30开始颁奖. COST: $25

Class of 1974 50th reunion luncheon: 是时候让1974届毕业生和我们一起庆祝他们的黄金50周年了! 一个特别的团聚午宴将于11:30am-1:30pm在Louise Price Social Parlor举行. Share memories, and receive your golden diploma. COST: Free

Storm Family Fun Fest: 从下午1点到3点30分,带着全家人在校园绿地上享受一个愉快的下午. Family Fun Fest will include putt putt, bumper cars, pizza from Fire and Ice, cotton candy, 以及为LEC校友和他们的孩子准备的其他游戏和活动! 这次活动将以我们的教育部门为特色,包括面部彩绘、艺术、工艺品等. 费用:10美元(12岁及以上),5美元(12-4岁),免费(3岁及以下儿童).

Organ concert: 下午3:00-4:00在莫利音乐厅欣赏管风琴师Todd Wilson的音乐风格. This staple event showcases our E.M. Skinner pipe organ. COST: Free

Meet & Greet with Water Exhibition Artist: This fall, the B.K. Smith Gallery will display a water exhibition. 下午4:00-5:00,与艺术家见面,有机会了解作品. 茶点将会提供,展出的艺术品也可以购买. COST: $5

Food Truck Tailgate: 我们很高兴在杰克布里特体育场举办第二届年度食品卡车尾宴:拉蒂摩尔街301号. Painesville, OH 44077. Food vouchers will be provided to our alumni and students. 餐车包括:fat on the Go、Barrio Tacos、Fire and Ice Pizza和King Kone冰淇淋. 车尾门将从下午4:00-5:45开始,紧接着是足球比赛. COST: $10

Reunion VIP early access: 在其他校友加入我们的鸡尾酒会之前,欢迎同学们在下午5:00-6:00来Manor House享受提前入场的欢乐时光. Refreshments and a photo booth will be available. COST: $5

All Alumni Cocktail Party: 我们的招牌鸡尾酒会将于下午6点在Victor Manor House开始. 开胃菜、饮料和照相亭将为您提供享受. 由全国校友会颁发的杰出校友奖将于晚上7:30开始. COST: $15

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Tai Chi: 加入Denise Molesch ' 95在学习公地太极上午9:00 -9:45. Chairs will be available to participate seated if needed. COST: Free

Tour of EQ Center: 上午10:15-11:00与我们的EQ员工一起参观马术中心和一些学校的漂亮马匹. COST: Free

Farewell Garden Tea Party: 下午11:00-12:30在维克多庄园花园参加花园茶会,然后回家. Brunch will be available. COST: $10